Plant Science

The Plant Science master degree aims at training professionals with a solid and integrated cultural background in basic biology, appropriate for applications in different areas of biology, focusing mainly on plant science. The students will acquire a high level of scientific preparation and in-depth knowledge and skills, taking into consideration molecular and cellular aspects, without neglecting applicative goals such as plant breeding and the protection and preservation of natural plant species.

The graduated student will acquire high-level skills, which will enable him/her to use the latest technologies to study complex plant biological systems.

The international character of the master course, the knowledge of English and the international experience are all highly appreciated aspects that should contribute to broadening the job perspectives of the graduated student, reaching beyond national borders.

Biologist and assimilated professions

The choice to offer a Master's Degree entirely in English and the close collaboration with UGA, where the student have to take part of the courses, allows the graduate to enter the national and foreign labor market.

The master's degree in Plant Science is equipped with in-depth and cutting-edge knowledge on molecular and cellular aspects of plants, whether they are model organisms or plants of agricultural interest, and their interactions with the environment.

The skills acquired in this degree course will allow the graduate to perform functions of high responsibility in professional fields such as:

Basic and applied research activities in university laboratories, other public or private research institutions and in industry, with particular reference to plant organisms;

Research and development of scientific methodologies for the study of plant biology;

Responsibility functions in public or private sectors responsible for environmental protection and management, in biology research laboratories, in biotechnology and food industries and in all professional fields where a multidisciplinary approach to plant biology is required;

Scientific dissemination and publishing activities.

Teaching activities.

Graduates can take the state exam for the qualification to practice the profession of biologist and consequently obtain the enrolment in the National Order of Biologists (Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, section A). They will also have access to PhD positions, specialization schools and other master's degrees.

Job opportunities:

Universities and public and private research institutions;

Public and private laboratories for biological, microbiological, genetic and quality control analyses;

Biotechnological, pharmaceutical, chemical and biorefinery industries;

Communication, scientific dissemination and information, scientific publishing;

Plant genetic improvement and seed production;

Agro-food sector;

Production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems;

Cooperation and development in international organizations.


The graduated in Plant Science will be able to take high responsibility functions in all professional fields in which a deep knowledge of plant biology topics is required, particularly in those involving the use of plant biological systems and genetic engineering techniques for applications in various sectors.

Graduates can take the state exam for the qualification to practice the profession of biologist and consequently obtain the enrolment in the National Order of Biologists (Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, section A). They will also have access to PhD positions, specialization schools and other master's degrees.

Job opportunities:

Universities and public and private research institutions;

Biotechnological, pharmaceutical, chemical and biorefinery industries;

Plant breeding and seed production companies

Cooperation and development in international organizations


The graduated in Plant Science will be able to take high responsibility functions in all professional fields in which a complete knowledge of plant organisms is required, from the molecular and cellular level, to the organismic to the interactions between living organisms and the ecosystem.

Graduates can take the state exam for the qualification to practice the profession of biologist and consequently obtain the enrolment in the National Order of Biologists (Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, section A). They will also have access to PhD positions, specialization schools and other master's degrees.

Job opportunities:

Universities and public or private research institutions;

Biotechnological, pharmaceutical, chemical industries and bi- refineries;

Communication, dissemination and scientific information, scientific publishing

Plant genetic improvement and seed production

Agro-food sector

Production of molecules of food, industrial and pharmaceutical interest in plant systems

Cooperation and development in international organizations

Researchers and technicians with a degree in life science

The graduated in Plant Science will be able to take high responsibility functions in all professional fields in where it is necessary to develop and conduct research projects on concepts and theories dealing with plant science. The graduated student will be able to:

Designs and carry out experimental research projects aimed at broadening and innovating the scientific knowledge on plants, including applications in applied sectors;

Ensures the operation of laboratories and scientific equipment;

Defines and apply scientific protocols in laboratory experiments and research activities on both basic and applied plant science.

Graduates can take the state exam for the qualification to practice the profession of biologist and consequently obtain the enrolment in the National Order of Biologists (Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi, section A). They will also have access to PhD positions, specialization schools and other master's degrees.

Job opportunities:

Universities and research institutions

Public and private research laboratories.

Employment statistics (Almalaurea)

Graduates of class L-13 Biological Sciences, who are recognized as fully satisfying the curriculum requirements, can apply to the master degree course in Plant Science, provided they have completed a training course consistent with the indications of the National CBUI College and they have the appropriate certificate. The requirements include:

66 ECTS in biological areas (SSD bio), of which at least 6 in BIO/01 Botanica generale (General Botany), BIO/02 Botanica sistematica (Systematic Botany), BIO/04 Fisiologia Vegetale (Plant Physiology), BIO/05 Zoologia (Zoology), BIO/06 Anatomia comparata e citologia (Comparative Anatomy and Cytology) (at least 12), BIO/07 Ecologia (Ecology), BIO/09 Fisiologia (Physiology), BIO/10 Biochimica (Biochemistry), BIO/11 Biologia Molecolare (Molecular Biology), BIO/18 Genetica (Genetics), BIO/19 Microbiologia Generale (General Microbiology).

12 ECTS in FIS/01 - FIS/08 Fisica (Physics), INF/01 - Informatica (Informatics), ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni (Information processing systems), MAT/01-MAT/09 Mathematics.

12 CFU in CHIM/01 - Chimica analitica (Analytical Chemistry), CHIM/02 - Chimica fisica (Physical Chemistry), CHIM/03 - Chimica generale e inorganica (General and Inorganic Chemistry), CHIM/06 - Chimica organica (Organic chemistry).

Other graduate students in the same class L-13, who have not followed a training course in line with the indications of the CBUI or in class 12 Biological Sciences (ex DM 509/99), or in other classes, may be admitted provided they have an adequate number of ECTS, not less than 90 ECTS, in the disciplinary sectors (SSD) mentioned above;

For the students graduated in the L-25 class, i.e. agricultural and forestry science and technology (scienze e tecnologie agrarie e forestali) and related classes, ECTS acquired in the following disciplinary sectors: AGR02 Agronomia e Coltivazioni erbacee (Agronomy and field crops), AGR03 Arboricoltura generale e coltivazioni arboree (Arboriculture and Fruitculture), AGR/07 - Genetica agraria (Agricultural genetics), AGR/12 - Patologia vegetale (Plant pathology), AGR/13 Chimica agraria (Agricultural chemistry), AGR/16 microbiologia agraria (Agricultural Microbiology), AGR/17 Zootecnica Generale e Miglioramento Genetico (Livestock systems, animal breeding and genetics), VET/01 Anatomia degli Animali Domestici (Veterinary anatomy), VET/02 Fisiologia Veterinaria (Veterinary physiology), will be also be considered for admission.

Students must be proficient in English, with a B2 level of competence. Applicants are required to certify their knowledge of the English language in one of the following ways:

B2 level certification (vantage or upper intermediate, as defined by the Common European Framework of reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment; recognised certifications.

A B2 result in the placement test given by the University of Milan on 13 June 2019. Candidates who do not have a valid certificate at the application will be contacted by the course secretariat to take the English placement test.

Candidates who do not participate or do not pass the test will not be admitted to the Master. Only in exceptional cases, candidates may be accepted provided their level of English proficiency, assessed during the interview, is unmistakably very good.

The adequate personal preparation of the candidates, their ability to communicate in English and their motivation are decisive elements for the admission and they are going to be verified and tested during the admission interview.

Students admitted to the Plant Science Master degree will receive a contribution to support higher costs arising from their stay at UGA. The level of each contribution will relate to the ISEE declared by the relevant student.

More information is available on

For assistance, please contact:

International Mobility Office

Via Festa del Perdono, 7 (first floor)

Phone: (+39) 02.503 13501-13502-13495-12589


Course attendance is compulsory


Addetto alla contabilità generale

Questo professionista è responsabile di registrare, monitorare e analizzare le transazioni finanziarie e contabili dell'azienda, garantendo l'accuratezza dei dati contabili e la conformità alle normative fiscali;

Addetto di Agenzia

L'addetto di agenzia è responsabile della gestione delle attività quotidiane di un'agenzia, interagendo con i clienti, gestendo prenotazioni e appuntamenti, e supportando l'organizzazione generale dell'agenzia;

Agente di Commercio

L'agente di commercio è incaricato di promuovere e vendere prodotti o servizi d i un'azienda presso clienti e potenziali clienti. Questa figura richiede abilità di comunicazione, negoziazione e capacità di costruire relazioni;


Competenze Amministrative e Gestionali, Finanziarie e di Marketing

Capacità di gestire aspetti amministrativi, finanziari e di marketing all'interno di un'azienda;

Competenze Linguistiche e Informatiche

Utilizzo integrato di competenze linguistiche e informatiche per comunicare ed elaborare informazioni efficacemente;

Contributo all'Innovazione e Miglioramento Organizzativo

Capacità di contribuire sia all'innovazione sia al miglioramento organizzativo e tecnologico all'interno di un'azienda, particolarmente in un contesto internazionale.

Interpretazione dei Sistemi Aziendali

Abilità nell'interpretare i modelli, i processi e i flussi informativi dei sistemi aziendali;