Human Resource Management

Our CIPD accredited MSc in Human Resource Management produces well-rounded human resources practitioners with exemplary knowledge and relevant expertise to operate effectively in today’s challenging business environment.

The attraction, retention and development of high-calibre people are a source of competitive advantage for organisations today and are the responsibility of human resource professionals. This puts human resource management at the centre of business performance and a critical partner for organisational success.

This programme offers advanced level knowledge into Human Resource Management (HRM) as a profession.  It provides an insight into the principal areas of HRM, organisational behaviour and employment relations and demonstrates why HRM is critical for organisational success.

The programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Europe’s largest professional institute for HRM and HR development, to its Advanced Level Standards. As a CIPD Approved Centre, we are recognised as a professional deliverer of HRM education so that on completion of this programme, you will have acquired the level of knowledge and understanding to apply for full professional membership of the CIPD.

We work closely with the CIPD to deliver extra-curricular events to enhance your learning, skills and employability. Such events have included an annual event with key speakers on a topical HRM issue, and a careers event involving a variety of HRM practitioners.  Our relationship with the CIPD also gives you the opportunity to attend CIPD hosted events in the local area to further enhance relevant skills, knowledge and employability.

The course has a full time option (one year) and a part time option (two years). Depending on your module choices, part time options would typically require students be on campus one day a week. 

Teaching staff on the programme comprise academics who have in-depth knowledge of contemporary business issues and are personally committed to students’ success. They bring a breadth of experience and expertise to their teaching and are involved in a wide range of research and professional activities.

Graduates typically go on to specialist management positions or consultancy roles in all areas of human resource management, including employee relations, reward and recognition, recruitment, retention, and people and organisational development within a diverse range of organisations.

Funding opportunities

The Business School has a wide range of funding opportunities for postgraduate students, which include Scholarships, Bursaries, the Double Loyalty Scheme for University of Kent undergraduates and the KBS Early Bird Scheme. The Early Bird equates to a 10% discount on tuition fees.

For more information on funding available from the University of Kent, please visit the Student Funding page.

Exchange partners

Kent Business School has excellent links with business schools globally, including in China, USA, Hong Kong, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden and Italy. Our wide array of exchange partners give you the opportunity to gain international experience. Our partners are committed to enhancing their international outlook while providing excellent teaching. You will gain invaluable work experience, develop your understanding of a new culture and improve your language skills.

Our exchange partners include these top ranked institutions amongst others:

University of Technology, Sydney

Renmin University of China, School of Business

University of Hong Kong


Neoma Business School

Freie Universitat Berlin

University of Florence

IE Madrid University

Stockholm Business School

Georgetown University.

Kent Business School (KBS)

With over 25 years’ experience delivering business education, Kent Business School is a leading UK business school, both for the standard of our teaching and student satisfaction. Our portfolio of postgraduate programmes demonstrates the breadth and depth of our expertise. Academic research and links with global business inform our teaching, ensuring a curriculum that is relevant and current. We also hold a number of accreditations by professional bodies.

Studying at Kent Business School (KBS) gives you the opportunity to increase your employability with real-life case studies, a student council and a business society. We have strong links to local and national organisations providing opportunities for projects, internships and graduate placements. The School attracts many high-profile speakers from industry and last year included visits and lectures from staff of the Bank of England, BAE Systems, Barclays, Lloyds Insurance, Cummins, Delphi and Kent County Council.

The School currently has around 60 PhD students, who form a dynamic and close-knit research community.


Disegnatore di Moda

Questi professionisti creano disegni e bozzetti di abbigliamento, accessori e tessuti, interpretando le tendenze di moda e sviluppando concept creativi;

Modellisti e Sarti

I modellisti traducono i disegni di moda in modelli e sagome, mentre i sarti realizzano i capi di abbigliamento seguendo i modelli. Entrambi utilizzano competenze di taglio, cucito e assemblaggio;

Operatori su Macchine Utensili

Gli operatori su macchine utensili gestiscono macchinari specializzati per lavorazioni meccaniche, producendo parti e componenti utilizzati in diversi settori;

Tecnici di Impianti per la Fabbricazione della Carta

Questi tecnici operano nell'industria cartaria, gestendo le attrezzature e le macchine utilizzate per la produzione di carta, cartone e prodotti affini;

Tecnici Specializzati del Legno

Questi tecnici lavorano nel settore del legno, creando prodotti di legno come mobili, articoli per l'arredamento, oggetti artigianali e altro. Hanno conoscenze di lavorazione del legno, utilizzo di attrezzature e tecniche di finitura;


Intervento nei Processi Industriali ed Artigianali

Abilità nel partecipare ai processi di produzione, sia industriali che artigianali, con capacità decisionali, iniziativa e orientamento imprenditoriale, inclusa la possibilità di avviare attività autonome;

Intervento nei Processi Produttivi Industriali

Capacità di partecipare attivamente nei processi produttivi industriali, contribuendo alla produzione di beni nel settore scelto;

Realizzazione di Disegni Tecnici o Artistici

Abilità nel creare disegni tecnici o artistici utilizzando le tecniche di rappresentazione grafica, sia con strumenti tradizionali che informatici, adattando l'approccio alle esigenze del progetto e del settore;

Realizzazione di Prodotti Interpretando Tendenze, Stili e Tecniche

Capacità di creare prodotti nel settore scelto, considerando le tendenze, gli stili dominanti e le tecniche di lavorazione appropriate, utilizzando i materiali più adeguati;

Utilizzo di Macchinari e Strumenti

Conoscenza nell'utilizzo di macchinari, strumenti e attrezzature necessarie per le diverse fasi di produzione, inclusa la pianificazione della manutenzione;